Don’t be afraid to ask questions, young man, this is how you get to places – asking. The answers are not always what you expect, and this is very good, especially if you ask them for our little Absinthe Devil, with his tailored suit and his smartass face. He’s good with words and most of the time you almost believe that he is your friend and not acting completely in his own interests. Almost, I said. He lives inside your head and appears when you most need a friend or a decent company. The good part is that you are not left without an answer, if he doesn’t know, he’ll make it up and from then on it’s up to you. So go ahead, ask, don’t be polite and always, always trust alcohol.

How to Dress for a Business Meeting

No matter what the occasion, says Hellboy, the goal is the same: to build relationships and bonds through a proven, structured interaction. Whether you’re wearing a suit or formal wear, it needs to fit well and look sharp. Your outfit should be clean and pressed with no stains or loose threads or buttons to spoil the look. If you have your hair, it needs to be trimmed, have it done about a week prior to the event. Polish your shoes to a high shine if you have feet, other wise polish you hoofs. Dress to the same level or slightly above that of the other attendees, which is easy, since they are probably monsters, purulent creatures or filthy beasts from the fifth circle of hell.


Multiverso ComicCon 2012

multiverso-comiccon-2012-diburros1Começa nesse sábado a Multiverso ComicCon em Porto Alegre. É só no fim de semana, dia 23 & 24 de junho na Rua Álvaro Chaves, 625 – Floresta. Passe no stand da White Russian Society pra trocar uma idéia com o Eduardo Medeiros, Gustavo Duarte, Rafael Albuquerque, Renato Guedes e eu. Além do Sketchbook mais amado do Brasil, vou levar pôsteres e aqueles mega exclusivos cards colecionáveis edição limitada com imagens clássicas e consagradas (ufa!) do Diburros. #whiterussiansociety


parceria-diablito-diburros-coxa-01Quase sempre a parceria é uma grande idéia. Para quem propôs, é claro. Uma verdade inconveniente no texto do guru Cavallini. Acima alguns esboços pra lá de parceiros e a ilustra final pro Coxa.


FIQ BH 2011


De saída pro FIQ 2011, o 7º Festival Internacional de Quadrinhos de Belo Horizonte. Estarei vagabundeando por lá sexta e sábado, e no domingo, a partir das 14h00 assinando o Diburros Sketchbook no stand Pandemonio/Zarabatana/Mitiban.